Rollerskating or Quadskating

Rollerskating or Quadskating,

As time passes we often see that what has been before will come back. Rollerskating is a very old sport that has come back to the mainstream! As an avid user of Rollerskates or Quadskates since 1991 I would love to help you find the right skates! As I have yet to find a partner that sells adequate Rollerskates or Quadskates I am focussing on items related to the sport.


The wheels we sell at NoPro are all, and I do mean all wheels I have personally tested for extended periods of time to know that what I offer you is near perfect.

Wheel brands; Famus

Famus is a brand that has been thought up by the amazing Vincent Isaac. This visionary has been working on the perfect formula for wheels for ages. This shows in his products. The Rollerskating or Quadskating line he is offering haven’t been around that long. That doesn’t say they aren’t of the highest quality.
The wheels are hardy and grippy. This whilst being quite hard, a thing that most wheel fail at. Most wheels I have tried were either too soft or too slippery. I have tested these wheels throughout winter and am quite impressed!

Wheel brands; Anabolix

Anabolix wheels make Rollerskating or Quadskating wheels to the absolute highest level possible. The wheels are so good that Toto Ghali teamed up with them for a wheel. These wheels are the best vert wheel I have ever tried. I tested an early version of these wheels for years and was beyond impressed! The wheels are a great size, a good hardness and maintain their grip and shape for a long time. I have tested them throughout the year. Both inside and outside and have yet to feel unsure on them on any terrain or in any park. The first time I tried these I went so fast that I couldn’t handle it. These wheels will change your life!

Before UFS